Home Australian News Perth T20 international results, scores, time, program, entertainment, tips, odds, weather, how to watch

Perth T20 international results, scores, time, program, entertainment, tips, odds, weather, how to watch

Perth T20 international results, scores, time, program, entertainment, tips, odds, weather, how to watch

And we’ve got play in Perth. Xavier Bartlett with the new ball on debut. Kyle Mayers and Johnson Charles opening for the visitors. For fun, Mitchell Marsh is the last West Australian to captain his country in Perth since Adam Gilchrist.

Xavier Bartlett appeals for his first T20 wicket.

Xavier Bartlett appeals for his first T20 wicket.Credit: Getty

First ball: Beautiful start. On a length, beats Charles all ends up with seam movement and a hint of swing.

Second ball: Second ball though, Charles steps to leg, Bartlett follows him and hooks down to fine leg for four.

Third ball: Cat and mouse. Back on a length on middle and Charles throws several kitchen sinks at it, pulling to midwicket. Misses completely.

Fourth ball: Angled into his pads as Charles backs away again. Dinks up in the air from a leading edge and it falls safely short of Marsh at mid on.

Fifth ball: Short ball that doesn’t get up and Charles is top-edging a swipe to leg up into the grill of his helmet. It stung him but he looks ok.

Sixth ball: After a moment’s pause for Charles, play resumes. And he edges to the keeper. Doesn’t look convinced but ends up walking. Bartlett with his first T20 wicket, Charles swiping toward mid-wicket off the front foot and a simple take for Matthew Wade.

Jason Behrendorff – Australia’s T20 player of the year – from the other end now, and he’s made an impressive start. Windies pinned down early, only able to pinch a few singles this over.

West Indies: 1-4 (Mayers 0* Charles 4)


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