A very interesting survey of bread and bakeries by UFC Que-Choisir in Nancy and the surrounding area. Curiously, there are no regulations on the weight and price of baguettes.
The association UFC Que Choisir de Nancy et sa région wanted to find out a little more about France’s best-selling product, the baguette de pain, and about bakeries, the popular shops that almost all French people visit every day.
The UFC looked into the regulations governing the sale of bread, the weight and price of baguettes, and the hygiene rules governing their sale.
First surprise: neither the weight, nor the name, nor the price of the baguette are regulated. Local customs determine the name ‘baguette’, which may also be called ‘flute’ depending on the region.
Baguette weight
What is regulated is the display of the price and weight of the bread, allergens, and the baker’s clothing, which must not include jewelry!
The UFC visited over forty bakeries, mainly in the Nancy area, but also in Lunéville, Toul and Sarrebourg. (See survey results). The consumer association found that, with three exceptions, baguettes weighed more than advertised. The average weight of a 250g baguette is 270g for a normal baguette, and 276g for a traditional baguette. The heaviest baguette weighed 320g! As for the price, it averages €1.10 for the baguette and €1.20 for the tradition, but the UFC also notes frequent increases of €0.10 since our survey at the end of 2023.
What about allergens?
Allergen labelling is rarely respected… or hidden!
While regulatory dress code (apron, smock, hair tied back…) is respected in 80% of cases, the wearing of jewelry, a breeding ground for bacteria, is all too common, accounting for 60% of observations.
In short, the UFC is pleased with the weight of the baguette in favor of consumers, but warns about the jewelry worn by bakers and the allergens contained in flour!