Home European News Development of Middle Corridor of great importance for Kazakhstan – Kazakh minister

Development of Middle Corridor of great importance for Kazakhstan – Kazakh minister

Development of Middle Corridor of great importance for Kazakhstan – Kazakh minister

BAKU, Azerbaijan, February 17. Development of
the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TMTM, or Middle
Corridor) is of great importance for Kazakhstan, the Minister of
Industry and Construction of Kazakhstan Kanat Sharlapayev said
during the meeting of the Kazakh-German Intergovernmental Working
Group on Trade and Economic Cooperation, Trend reports.

“Development of the Trans-Caspian international transportation
route is of great importance for Kazakhstan as a reliable supplier
of energy resources and strategic goods to Europe,” he said.

According to him, strategic synergy with Germany, together with
a convenient geographical location at the crossroads of
intercontinental transportation routes, including energy supply
routes, strengthens Kazakhstan’s position as a regional investment
hub and one of the key players in the global energy arena.

The minister noted that the strengthening of Kazakhstan’s
industrial potential is also among the strategic areas of
cooperation with Germany.

“For our republic, Germany as an industrial power with its core
competencies is the most suitable partner. The government of
Kazakhstan is facing the task to further improve conditions for
attracting large private investment, institutional environment for
business, and harmonization of legislative regulation”, Sharlapayev

Meanwhile, the Middle Corridor links the container rail freight
transportation networks of China and the European Union through
Central Asia, the Caucasus, Türkiye, and Eastern Europe.

Multilateral multimodal transportation infrastructure links
ferry terminals of the Caspian and Black Seas with railway systems
of China, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Türkiye, Ukraine, and

The middle corridor facilitates increased cargo traffic from
China to Türkiye, as well as to European countries and in the
opposite direction.

To note, a route train traveling along this corridor delivers
cargo from China to Europe in an average of 20-25 days, and this is
one of the main advantages of this transport corridor.

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