Almost 2000 residents of Beaufort, in western Victoria, have been told to leave immediately as a bushfire in dense bushland barrels toward the town.
An upgraded emergency warning was issued just before 3pm for the fire that started in the Mount Buangor State Park north of the Western Highway between Beaufort and Ararat.
The Beaufort fire burns near a windfarm.
The bushfire at Bayindeen-Rocky Road is not yet under control and is travelling in a south-easterly direction.
“Leaving immediately is the safest option, before conditions become too dangerous,” the alert says.
“Emergency services may not be able to help you if you decide to stay.”
A relief centre had been set up in Beaufort for those evacuating from bushland north-west of the town, but the new alert says those fleeing the fire zone should head to Ballarat.
Another relief centre has been set up at the Learmonth Football Ground.
The towns and farming communities in the warning zone are: Ballyrogan, Bayindeen, Beaufort, Buangor, Buangor East, Challicum, Cross Roads, Eurambeen, Lake Goldsmith, Langi Kal Kal, Main Lead, Middle Creek, Mount Cole, Nerring, Raglan, Shirley, Stockyard Hill, Trawalla, Waterloo and Yalla-Y-Poora.
The last census reported Beaufort’s population was 1712.