Home Spanish News Torrevieja Socialists Defend Vega Baja Renhace Plan

Torrevieja Socialists Defend Vega Baja Renhace Plan

Torrevieja Socialists Defend Vega Baja Renhace Plan

The PSOE of Torrevieja criticises the reaction of the leaders of the PP, among them Eduardo Dolón, regarding the vote against the socialist parliamentary group in the Cortes of the Decree-Law of changes in the Vega Baja Renhace Plan.

The socialists assure that they would have voted in favour if the extension to complete the subsidised works depended on their vote, but, if this were not the case, their vote against constitutes a protest against the rest of the modifications of the original Renhace Plan.

Of the aforementioned Plan, “only the budget remains”, since the name is changed and the social partners are eliminated from the monitoring commissions, completely distorting its essence. Among these interlocutors, in addition to the Consell Delegate, were recognised personalities and irrigators who maintained the connection between the different needs of the municipalities and the political will. Now they disappear from the monitoring commissions to make way only for politicians: the hard core of the Presidency of the Consell.

Bárbara Soler, head of the Torrevieja PSOE, affirms that “it seems incomprehensible that the PP and Eduardo Dolón have always been so critical of the Vega Baja Renhace Plan, ensuring that it was only propaganda, a marketing plan, and now they maintain that this vote against which, in addition, “represents little less than a betrayal of Vega Baja.”

“We do not understand this feigned and sudden affection for the Plan,” continues Soler, “let us remember that, in two years, Eduardo Dolón has touched a total of zero euro of this Plan because it came from an initiative of the socialist government Ximo Puig.”

Likewise, the socialist spokesperson has taken the opportunity to brand as hypocritical the behaviour of Mayor Eduardo Dolón when he showed up at the desalination plant demanding to be received by President Pedro Sánchez in order to discuss with him issues that affect Torrevieja, as he assures that “Mazón is much more interested in him” nearby and has not been able to ask him why he is sending him and other colleagues to come to the region to defend indefensible budgets: 122 million less from the Edificant Plan, 7 million lost from the xarxa de llibres, 17 million less in infrastructure for “La Vega Baja and 8 less in agriculture, in addition to 10 million for the expansion of the Torrevieja Hospital that have disappeared.”

According to the spokesperson, neither Dolón nor his colleagues have criticised or questioned the loss of these investments budgeted in the previous budget and concludes “this is a betrayal of Vega Baja, the rest is political opportunism.”


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