Home Spanish News The Strike: Might & Right

The Strike: Might & Right

The Strike: Might & Right

The Town Hall in Motril under the PP has had a long history of disputes with its municipal police and municipal cleaning workers.

MOT Protest March San JoseAt the moment, Motril is heading into a rubbish strike bang in the middle of Semana Santa and the Town Hall has been trying to get the strike labelled as “illegal.”

Readers will no doubt remember that the Mayor of Motril had a run in with the Policía Local after back-tracking on an accord, leaving the town without adequate policing during Semana Santa last year.

Easter, it seems, is turning into a time of labour conflict bubbling over into strike action.

The rubbish-collection strike is scheduled to begin on Monday the 25th, despite the Town Hall’s threat to take them to court as they consider the strike organisers’ procedure as having “formal defects” in their paperwork before the Town Hall. As a consequence the representative workers union consider that the Mayor has impinged upon the Right to Strike and are looking into suing the Town Hall.

The unions have called for a last-minute negotiation with the Town Hall on Monday, hours before the strikes begins but the latter instead demands a public apology. So, as the weekend is upon us you can assume that the strike will commence as programmed on Monday.

(News/Noticias: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)


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