Home UK News The 3 exact time to hit M&S to nab all the best bargains – from yellow sticker goodies to secret triple discounts

The 3 exact time to hit M&S to nab all the best bargains – from yellow sticker goodies to secret triple discounts

The 3 exact time to hit M&S to nab all the best bargains – from yellow sticker goodies to secret triple discounts

AS the cost of everyday essentials skyrockets, most shoppers are trying to find ways to save at the checkout and trawl the aisles looking for the latest deals.

One man has taken all the guesswork out of getting a bargain though, after working out the best times to stop at posh supermarket, M&S.

The supermarket expert says you can easily get bargains at M&S


The supermarket expert says you can easily get bargains at M&SCredit: Avalon.red
Chaz inisits that it's just about knowing when your M&S reduces items


Chaz inisits that it’s just about knowing when your M&S reduces itemsCredit: tiktok/@freeloading_chaz

Whilst you might get lucky and find the odd reduced item, influencer Chaz claims he can guarantee yellow sticker goodies – which are often a fraction of the normal price.

Better known as @freeloading_chaz on TikTok, he has an entire channel dedicated to his pursuit of supermarket discounts.

Despite his tongue-in-cheek viral videos, the content creator has definitely put the work in.

He even joked that he spent weeks ‘stalking’ the women who mark up the discounts in a bid to find out when the best bargains hit the shelves.

It turns out though that shoppers actually have three opportunities to get major reductions and these occur throughout the day.

For Chaz, it’s just a matter of when he can make it to his local M&S branch.

According to the supermarket expert, going before work can often be an easy way to get heavily discounted items without having to compete with other shoppers.

Though you might not love the sound of your alarm first thing in the morning, Chaz urged viewers to go when the store first opens as staff often discount stock the night before.

Typically, this will be between 7 am – 8 am but it will vary between branches so it’s best to check ahead of time.

He added: “If you get there for opening time, you are guaranteed to find some yellow stickers.”

This wasn’t the only advice the internet sensation had for his fans though.

In fact, he stated that the best yellow sticker reductions will often happen later in the day with staff discounting items three more times before closing.

Depending on your local store, you could find extra discounts between 3 pm and 4pm – which is perfect for anyone picking up the kids from school.

The little detour will pay dividends, especially if you aren’t able to stop shop at your local Marks and Spencer Foodhall later in the day.

He claims that you can bag mutiple yellow stick discounts later in the day


He claims that you can bag mutiple yellow stick discounts later in the day
Busy parents can also drop in after school to pick up items at the high street giant


Busy parents can also drop in after school to pick up items at the high street giantCredit: Getty

As the rest of the country tucks into their dinner, M&S staff will be doing another round of discounts at roughly 6 pm and will often reduce items already on sale.

This means double the discount on some items (yes, you read that right).

With the day almost over, there is time for the final yellow sticker items to be released and staff will often dramatically reduce any remaining stock.

Chaz gushed in the viral video: “If you can hold out till 8pm, that’s when you get triple yellow stickers….[which] are the very best deals to be had.

“They are freaking out that it’s not going to sell [and] they are practically giving it away.”

Having shared his words of wisdom, the TikTok star revealed that he had yet more secret to tell his followers – including how he made friends with M&S staff.

With all these timely tips though, we reckon you’ll be guaranteed to bag a bargain.

The influencer has also gone viral for his friendship with M&S staff


The influencer has also gone viral for his friendship with M&S staffCredit: TikTok

When do supermarkets put out yellow-sticker bargains?

The time supermarkets reduce their products vary across stores.

Here’s a rough supermarket-by-supermarket guide:


Aldi uses a red sticker to show reductions on fresh products such as bread, meat, fruit and vegetables.

This is when they have reached the last day of shelf life.

Red stickered items are most commonly found at opening and closing times.


Reduction times can vary from store to store but is most likely to occur near closing time.


Asda told Which? that yellow stickers are applied twice a day – in the morning and evening.


Co-op told The Sun its reduced-to-clear prices are generally applied about four hours before the store closes.


Lidl has a similar procedure to Asda and Aldi with reductions twice a day.

However individual stores may opt to reduce prices throughout the day.


Shoppers online have said that Morrisons does the best bargains first thing in the morning.

However the store told Which? that there is no specific times for yellow sticker price cuts.


Sainsbury’s told The Sun it’s at the store manager’s discretion whether to offer discounts.

However shoppers have reported that the best deals are in the evening from 6pm.


Tesco has said there is no specific time for reduction, but again most people found that prices were reduced from 6pm.


As with most of the other stores, shoppers have said the best reductions are found before closing.

However the store stated that there is no specific time for yellow stickers to be applied.


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