Home Spanish News Sex Games Gone Wrong? | Costa Tropical Gazette News

Sex Games Gone Wrong? | Costa Tropical Gazette News

Sex Games Gone Wrong? | Costa Tropical Gazette News

A North-American tourist is being held in police custody over the death of his wife in a tourist flat in the city centre of Málaga.

AND Malaga Centre StreetHe told the police that they had played a sex game involving simulated rape… and it had gone wrong.

It had all came to light around 05.30h on the 6th of April when the American ran onto the Plaza de Camas shouting for help; his wife was unconscious and wasn’t responding to his attempts to bring her round.

An ambulance arrived and the paramedics also tried to revive the 43-year-old American woman but their efforts were in vain.

The paramedics activated the set protocol, which involved informing the Policía Nacional and the judiciary (police court), being unable to establish the cause of death. A forensic doctor (coroner) arrived at the apartment to authorise the removal of the body whilst the police carried out an inspection of the scene.

The husband gave his first account of what had happened at the scene, which he maintained with small differences later at the police station: they had been out drinking all night (long drinks and tequila shots) and she had also taken something (recreational drug). As soon as they arrived back at the flat they had put the sex game into motion.

He was initially charged with reckless manslaughter but the autopsy has put his account into doubt as her body showed signs of strangulation. He is remanded in police custody.

In the meantime, the police are trying to piece together their relationship; although she is also a US citizen, she had moved by herself to Valencia some time ago, whilst he had remained in Texas. He had travelled to Spain to spend some days with his wife in Málaga. They have two offspring together, both of whom have reached adulthood.

The magistrate decided to pass the case onto the specialised court for gender violence, the Juzgados de Violencia sobre la Mujer

(News/Noticias: City & Metropolitan Area, Malaga, Andalucia)


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