Town Hall refuse-collection employees in Motril will commence an indefinite strike during Semana Santa.
Last year they had been on strike but suspended it just before Easter after reaching an agreement with the Mayor. However, the union claims that the Town Hall has not made good on what it had promised so the gloves have come off again.
Another reason for the strike is that the Town Hall apparently intends to privatise the municipal refuse-collection service, out sourcing to a private company.
If the strike goes ahead there will be a repetition of what happened during Easter 2019 when the Semana Santa processions had to parade through streets of uncollected garbage.
Earlier this week there had been a Plenary Meeting of the Town Council where one of the points to be approved was the privatisation of the rubbish-collection service where union representatives had called on the Mayor not to go ahead with the motion, which was reportedly ignored. In fact, protesting workers were thrown out of the meeting.
(News/Noticias: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)