Home Spanish News Mega Shoplifting | Costa Tropical Gazette News

Mega Shoplifting | Costa Tropical Gazette News

Mega Shoplifting | Costa Tropical Gazette News

Shoplifters tend to sneak out with stolen items hidden in their clothes but one thief in a large shopping centre… tried it with a washing machine.

GRA C&M Stealing A Washing MachineThe 23-year-old suspect is under investigation by the Guardia Civil after CCTV in a well known shopping centre in the city of Granada recorded him, with an accomplice, trying to get it down the descending escalator.

This happened back in November when the suspect allegedly entered the shopping centre moments before it opened and came across a new washing machine sat at the entrance to a white-goods shop.

The security cameras also captured the two young men loading it into a white van. The Guardia Civil were able to identify the vehicle and consequently, the owner. However, he has not been easy to track down because he has no fixed address.

However, when they did locate him, he argued he had been hired by the other individual, whom he did not know, to help pick up a washing machine that he had just bought…

(News/Noticias: City & Metropolitan Area, Granada, Andalucia)


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