Home Spanish News Mallorca’s youngsters embrace recycling « Euro Weekly News

Mallorca’s youngsters embrace recycling « Euro Weekly News

Mallorca’s youngsters embrace recycling « Euro Weekly News

In a spirited push towards environmental consciousness, six schools in Marratxi have joined in the innovative ‘Els Petits Recicladors’ (The Little Recyclers) campaign.

This year marks the sixth edition of a competition that brings together 40 schools from 15 different municipalities across Mallorca, all vying to recycle the most glass containers.

Spearheaded by the Council of Mallorca and Ecovidrio, the initiative aims not just to recycle but to educate.

Participating institutions include CEIP Ses Cases Noves, Blanquerna, Nova Cabana, The Academy International School, CEIP Costa i Llobera, and the Santa Teresa School.

They all share a common goal: to win a €1,000 cheque for school supplies, rewarding their efforts in recycling the most glass through specially installed containers.

Marratxis environmental councillor, Manuel V. Martinez, is optimistic about the campaign’s potential impact. ‘It’s about educating values,’ said Martinez, emphasising the need to embed principles of recycling, environmental protection, and sustainability in children from an early age.

To ignite the competitive spirit, each school has been given a container, uniquely decorated with the school’s name and the campaign’s theme.

These containers serve as both a practical tool for recycling and a visual reminder of the competition, which concludes on May 30.

With this campaign, Mallorca takes a step forward in fostering a culture of environmental responsibility among its youngest residents, making recycling a communal and competitive activity that benefits the planet.

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