Home Spanish News King Frederik and Queen Mary of Denmark under fire « Euro Weekly News

King Frederik and Queen Mary of Denmark under fire « Euro Weekly News

King Frederik and Queen Mary of Denmark under fire « Euro Weekly News

KING Frederik and Queen Mary of Denmark are facing criticism following their recent Easter holiday abroad. Since ascending to the throne in January, the royal couple’s holiday marks their second break, sparking discontent among the Danish people.

Royal Couple Faces Criticism

Royal commentator Julia Melchior revealed that many citizens are displeased with the lack of public engagements by the monarchs since their succession. However, she defended the royals, citing King Frederik’s emphasis on family time, as highlighted in his book ‘Kongeord.’

Dedication to Representing Denmark

The exact location of their Easter getaway remains undisclosed, but a Palace spokesperson clarified that Queen Margrethe had to assume state duties in Frederik’s absence.

Despite the controversy, Melchior assured that the King and Queen are committed to their roles, with plans for extensive public appearances in the near future. Their inaugural foreign state tour is scheduled for this summer, starting in Sweden, and includes visits to the Faroe Islands and Greenland, demonstrating their dedication to representing Denmark both domestically and internationally.

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