Home Indian News Junior Docs Wear Black Badge To Press Their Demands

Junior Docs Wear Black Badge To Press Their Demands

Junior Docs Wear Black Badge To Press Their Demands

Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Junior/Resident Doctors’ Association (JDA) staged a protest to press their demands and performed their duty by wearing black badges over non-implementation of government order which provides for stipend hike as per Consumer Price Index (CPI) every year.

According to JDA-Indore president Dr Nayan Jain, they will continue to protest till March 11. The JDA has also demanded the authorities to look into their other issues as well which include, reduction in medical education and university fees, stipend of Rs 1 lakh per month with arrear and others.

Jain said, ‘Stipend hike order was released on June 7, 2021. But instead of April 2022, the hike was implemented in November 2022. Since then no hike in stipend as per CPI has been given.’

JDA’s demands

*Stipend of Rs 1 lakh per month with arrear

*Medical education fee be reduced to Rs 10k-Rs15k

*University fees be reduced

*Insurance cover benefit of 5 years for JDA

*Seats for senior residents be increased in the clinical department and senior residents be included in the non-clinical department.

*Abolition of Rural Service bond or Rs 50k additionally be paid to doctors, if they go under the bond to render services in rural areas. Because doctors who work under the bond, get Rs 59k but those who work under Senior Residentship (SRship) in urban areas get Rs 80k. Bond period is not equated in SRship.

Dr Nayan Jain becomes Central RDA president

A new committee of Central Resident Doctors’ Association was formed at Bundelkhand Medical College,Sagar on Saturday in which Dr Nayan Jain and Dr Hitendra Yadav were elected as presidents. The two-day programme was presided by Dr Mahesh Aggarwal, President of Madhya Pradesh Medical Teachers Association. Members of various JDA/RDA delegations of the state and many other doctors of the state participated in the programme.


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