Home Australian News Developer discounts, affordable housing trials to help tackle Qld supply woes

Developer discounts, affordable housing trials to help tackle Qld supply woes

Developer discounts, affordable housing trials to help tackle Qld supply woes

A broad housing plan has been foreshadowed by the government for months, as it ties together that work with delayed rental reform, social housing system fixes, and boosts to homelessness support.

Meanwhile, the state LNP opposition and Greens have been floating some of their own solutions, including working with the community housing sector and inclusionary zoning, respectively, which were touched on in the latest details from the state plan, to be released next week.

What they said

While visiting vacant state-owned land adjacent to the Mango Hill train station in Brisbane’s outer north on Saturday, Miles said such a site was an example of land on which he hoped to see affordable and social homes built under the new measures.

These include a $350 million Incentivising Infill Fund, in which discounts on infrastructure charges encourage smaller, more affordable, market-ready developments in underused areas near public transport and other services, and a pilot Ground Lease Model, under which the state leases its land for community and private housing.

A new State Facilitated Development Team will work on DAs of state significance, including affordable or social housing – or both – using new powers laid out in a bill yet to pass parliament.

The team will also manage five pilot inclusionary planning projects across the state aiming for 20 per cent affordable or social housing, with expressions of interest to open soon and include developer incentives around density and car parking.


Representatives from the Queensland branch of the Property Council and the Planning Institute of Australia, who joined Miles on Saturday, welcomed the announcement, particularly the infrastructure charge relief and inclusionary planning, respectively, ahead of further details.


But Queensland Council of Social Service chief executive Aimee McVeigh doubted the important focus on inclusionary zoning would be effective without being mandatory.

LNP housing spokesperson Tim Mander said the ideas raised by Labor on Saturday echoed those of the ultimately scrapped Newman government-era’s Logan Renewal Initiative, which could have likely been replicated across the state.

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