Home Spanish News Dark Skies and Glowing Sea

Dark Skies and Glowing Sea

Dark Skies and Glowing Sea

No, it’s not something from the Apocalypse but a comparison between the dust-filled skies and an Almuñécar beach lit by fluorescent marine life.

ALM Biolumiescence on BeachesThis majestic presence in the surf is caused by microscopic algae that feeds on plankton. And its presence is not only off Almuñécar but all along the coast, although the accompanying photo is from a video taken in Almuñécar.

In fact, Bioluminescent creatures are found throughout marine habitats, from the ocean surface to the deep seafloor.

According to Wikipedia: they are Noctiluca scintillans which can exist in a green or red form, depending on the pigmentation in its vacuoles.

It can be found worldwide, but its geographical distribution varies depending on whether it is green or red. This unicellular microorganism is known for its ability to bioluminesce, giving the water a bright glow seen at night.

However, blooms of this species can be responsible for environmental hazards, such as toxic red tides. They may also be an indicator of anthropogenic eutrophication.

Thanks, Wiki, but leaving vacuoles and anthropogenic eutrophication aside, we got the gist. Actually, anthropogenic eutrophication is: caused by Man + rapid bacterial growth causing a lack of oxygen in water. As for a vacuole, it is a membrane-bound organelle… which doesn’t help us much, does it.

(News/Noticias: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)


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