Home European News President Zhaparov outlines Kyrgyzstan’s robust economic growth

President Zhaparov outlines Kyrgyzstan’s robust economic growth

President Zhaparov outlines Kyrgyzstan’s robust economic growth

BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan, February 13. Kyrgyzstan’s
average economic growth over the past three years has reached
nearly 7 percent annually, with rates of 5.5 percent in 2021, 9
percent in 2022, and 6.2 percent in 2023, President of Kyrgyzstan
Sadyr Zhaparov said, Trend reports.

Zhaparov highlighted this achievement during his address at the
10th World Government Summit in Dubai, UAE.

He emphasized the country’s robust economic development,
pointing to major infrastructure and international projects
involving foreign investors, including hydroelectric power plants,
road construction, and airport modernization.

“We aspire to transform Kyrgyzstan into a regional business hub,
fostering an appealing investment climate, liberal foreign trade
policies, and a transparent business environment,” the president

Zhaparov underscored Kyrgyzstan’s commitment to welcoming
investors and foreign partners and outlined the new economic
strategy’s focus on the energy, mining, and transportation

He noted Kyrgyzstan’s intent to leverage its abundant natural
resources, particularly its significant hydropower potential
estimated at about 142 billion kilowatt-hours, as a cornerstone of
its economic policy.

“When I became the head of state, 10 percent of the whole water
resource potential was used. As of today, 13 percent has already
been developed, and we are aiming to intensify this work,” Zhaparov


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