Home Spanish News Office Xmas Party Goer Turns To Neighbours To Retrace Naked Steps Home ⋆ Madrid Metropolitan

Office Xmas Party Goer Turns To Neighbours To Retrace Naked Steps Home ⋆ Madrid Metropolitan

Office Xmas Party Goer Turns To Neighbours To Retrace Naked Steps Home ⋆ Madrid Metropolitan

As we all know, December is the month of the office Christmas party – dreaded by some and loved by many, it usually heralds an evening of fun, laughter, and bonhomie with our office colleagues.

But occasionally things do go awry and we spend anxious hungovered morning afters trying to repair the damage.

The awkward moments or comments – of which usually seasonal consumption of alcohol is to blame can sometimes get so out of hand that we can’t remember what we said or did, which is what happened to one such Spanish office party goer, who was determined to get to the bottom of things, albeit in an uncoventional way.

In fact the anonymous party goer in San Sebastián let things had got so out of hand – he had awoken on the coach naked – that he left a note on his apartment block doorway to ask his neighbours to help “fill in the gaps”.

One of his neighbours has since posted it on social media and it has become a bit of a viral seaonsal hit with some 30,000 views.

In his note, the man confesses that he had his “first company Christmas dinner and things got a bit out of hand”. “When I woke up the next day I couldn’t find my clothes,” he wrote. Realising he had returned home naked that night he turned his house “upside down” looking for his clothes but was unsuccessful.

However, a neighbour did find his clothes and left them on the doorstep, although the mystery of how they made their way into the hands of the neighbour remains. “I want to thank the neighbour who found the clothes and left them on the doorstep, but I need to know where he/she found them to fill in the gaps and complete the story,” he wrote.

He appealed to the neighbour who picked up his clothes, presumably from near the gate, to write on the note where they found them. Any help offered would be welcome so that this young man knows at least knows how far he travelled naked to get home.

Happy Christmas Party Season!


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